Sunday 27 June 2021




  lets start with the end

 The End 

sometimes the end comes so soon that 
u are not prepared for it

sometimes ends are so abrupt
that u have not planned for it

sometimes ends are so disappointing
that your  heart cannot embrace for it

sometimes end is not the end
but a new beginning for it 


Sometimes  the end come so soon that we are not ready for it. You know that the end is near . You know where you are heading  but just don't want to accept it. You like the feeling you discern , but what if the end is not really the end of everything. What if it the start of something new , something that has always been waiting for you, something your are destined to do. The end is  something you need to grow from and move into the beginning you deserve.

You are all the colors at once in full brightness ____ Theodore Finch


Will love to read your views!
 Drop em below!!!🎈


  1. Very deep and thought provoking...keep writing and expressing yourself my girl..

  2. Wonderful start of a blog, way to go, keep them coming,

  3. As a matter of fact my name means just that. The name of your very first blog THE END

  4. Awesome girl ... Keep going 💜

  5. Beautiful n Amazing.... It has a deep but a true meaning... Keep it up sweetie..... Loved it

  6. Love how you express your words in such a beautiful way 💕

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

    1. Amazingly written❤❤💖

  8. Super work Pakhi! WAY TO GO ❤️

  9. What one feels as ended is a prolonged blip on the radar of mind, made so by the emotions and importance our minds have attached to it....else, time is endless and moves on regardless...and yes, when one sits back, one realises it has taught us so much. As you said, it becomes a stepping stone to new learnings with added experiences...
    Well articulated!!👌👏👏



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