Sunday 3 October 2021



I met you when I was two 
I have been playing and dancing with you
you bring out the best in me 
you just let me be

you are crazy
but I like that
we are mad 
but we are like that

people say you are shy 
I don't get why
you are wild you are fire
you burn it up

went through blood  sweat and tears
fought our fears
been through thick and thin
fought together the storms within

the slap incident 
is still fresh in my mind
like it was yesterday
my memory has it intertwined

Grateful I found you
cuz you make it right
you make me beam bright 
found my vmin in you

                                                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE 


  1. अकेलेपन में जब भीड़ लगे, एक मित्र उसे पहचान लेता है और आप उसकी अंगूली थामे, चैन से, बेहिचक, बेफ़िक्र, 'भीड़' को भेद लेते हैं। ऐसी मित्रता ही आपकी पहचान है। ऐसे मित्र क्यों, कैसे, किसलिए -प्रश्न नहीं पूछते हैं और न ही जवाब चाहते हैं। बस, सिर्फ आपके साथ रहते हैं!....
    Cheers to your friendships - now and in future!...



                                    ART what does an artist do of pain she dwells in his pain she lives her pain of love she lets the pain e...