Sunday 18 July 2021


                              No Apologies 

I am me with no apologies
never going to leave my true identity
not your clay to mould
I am my own art in bold

The feeling of being misunderstood 
for the abilities I have good
left it a while ago
I am me at full brightness

The chaos of my soul 
has born me a star
one that shines under no one's power
the brightest on my canvas 

The warm fire  in my belly
The fiery warmth in my heart
can rebuild the satan
or beat him at his  own game
you put me in that box of yours 
but darling I am a caterpillar 
and your box is my shelter
soon I  will break out of
your box stronger and happier

I was taught to  fight then flight
shove it in their face
show em what's right
tell them "baby the games you play I am the ace"

It's my story
I get to write it my way
The way that I love me 
The way I see me
The way I want to


Trust me you are a work. Even if you are a work in progress you deserve credit. Every day we take a step to a better us.  We heal, we grow, we love, we live, we laugh, and we cry and that itself is a creditable effort. Some days it is also completely fine to make no progress as a huge part of progression is rest and giving yourself the time. It's okay not to feel on top of the world. You don't have to force happiness on yourself rather try to gracefully accept it. As to heal we need to feel all those emotions we all have been bottling up.  In that process, you need not feel sorry for the person you are. Love yourself the way you are while every day making progression.  

                                                      TO GIVE THE WORLD THE LOVE YOU HOLD 
                                                      YOU NEED TO LOVE YOURSELF FIRST


                          Will love to read your views!
Drop em below!!!🎈


  1. Lovely dear, you are real genius our sweet heart, very well expressed,lots of love and blessings, keep it up

  2. Lovely poem Pakhi

  3. Fabulous too good Pakhi...keep it up ❤️

  4. I am glad I taught you to fight rather than flight♥️💖💕♥️💖💕

  5. Excellent piece of work !!! 💕💕💕💕

  6. You can definitely beat satan at his own game,I am very sure about that....
    Great work.👍🏻

  7. Your work is truly breathtaking💗

  8. Amazingly beautiful Pakhi...
    Each word seems like a pearl sewn together to make a beautiful necklace..
    Perfect reflection of the most beautiful and pure soul u possess sweetie.
    Loads of love..
    God bless you.
    Sonu masi ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️



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