Sunday 31 October 2021



what does an artist do of pain
she dwells in his pain
she lives her pain of love
she lets the pain eat her
and when she is completely engulfed by the pain
she dips her brush in the paint of pain
and paints her most expressive agony
but the mortals call it art


"Art is to console those who are broken by life"   - Vincent Van Gogh

Saturday 23 October 2021




they lit my village on fire
and I stared at the burning torches in their hands
wondering what drove them to this
why did they have to break me

I ran house to house home to home asking for help
asking for the water to suffice
was given water in glasses 
to put down a blaze meant for masses 

none came to help 
none came to rescue
all they did was watch
while my relations burned down to ashes

we were not the phoenix to rise
all of me died somewhere in cinder
the villagers laughed
and I thought they were mine

in the end
I stared at the burning torches in their hands
wondering wasn't the torch in my hand
why didn't I start the fire  


Sunday 17 October 2021




No poems today but just a random topic I would like to talk about.

I am not trying to validate anger in any manner, but I believe that anger is a small part of us loving ourselves. When exposed to a situation where we are not treated the way we know we should be ur mind shows ANGER. It is us trying to speak for ourselves and be our own voice.  Anger is an intense emotional reaction to stimuli that threatens us or hurts us.

I completely agree that anger is not a good way to express but I also believe that speaking up and owning up to what you wish and desire is a part of self-acceptance. Swallowing it or adjusting to the situation is a good method to FIT IN but not always the right method. We must be a little selfish when it comes to caring for ourselves.

To  pour the love and happiness you hold first we must pour the same warmth on ourselves. Anger for me is a self-defence mechanism for when you have reached your saturation point. Not physically or verbally abusing anybody else but at the same time being clear on where you stand and what is accepted by you.


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Sunday 10 October 2021


                       WE WERE  THE STRAY

you were my vandalised victory
now a hallucinating history
I see in you places
the mosaic of your pieces

I feel you in my veins 
every time it rains
my lips tremble
when your name fumbles

you have left evinces of yourself
the seeds you planted
now grow in me
and I water them every day 
 All our memories are a blur
the blacks mixed with whites
with yellows and blues splashing on them

we were melancholy wrapped in life
we were the stray 
in universe of homes 


Sunday 3 October 2021



I met you when I was two 
I have been playing and dancing with you
you bring out the best in me 
you just let me be

you are crazy
but I like that
we are mad 
but we are like that

people say you are shy 
I don't get why
you are wild you are fire
you burn it up

went through blood  sweat and tears
fought our fears
been through thick and thin
fought together the storms within

the slap incident 
is still fresh in my mind
like it was yesterday
my memory has it intertwined

Grateful I found you
cuz you make it right
you make me beam bright 
found my vmin in you

                                                         HAPPY BIRTHDAY LOVE 

Sunday 26 September 2021



she hast been reading the same book for months
trying to find life in those dead words
looking for shelter in those false lines

second chances!! they say 
ergo picked up another book by the author
endeavour another chapter
still, the words are lifeless 
the lines are pretentious

the pages are yellow and worn
opening the wounds that were once torn
thew words have blurred out 
the lines have begun to fade away at this point 

 hiding behind the words
finding comfort in those sentences
just complicated long conspicuous words
they all tangled for her to read

                                                        she is trapped in the ecstasy

Inspired from:  When We Collided; By Emery Lord

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Sunday 19 September 2021


                 REMEMBER THAT NIGHT...

the night was dark and dense
a single star  whirled around the moon
the moon smirked behind the clouds
the clouds played with the wind

the wind blew through my hair
it swayed beneath your feet
I was captivated by its beauty 
you are intimated by its density

I was on cloud 9
you were wrapped up in twine
you said the darkness eats you 
but I thrive on it 

we gawked the same sky
with different eye
we gaped the same moon 
with different boons


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Sunday 12 September 2021



you asked me to describe  myself 
I thought and thought and thought how I see thyself
I fell short of words
had phrases curled up in herds
I looked at the mirror for inspiration 
just saw rays of aberration
an undefined body
trying hard to fit in the box of a toady
looked at the water for a reflection
saw a scattering wave of projection
gaped  at the sky for a sign
but the stars did not align
elements nor words could I find to describe myself
and I thought and thought and thought how I see thyself     


                                                      Will love to read your views!
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Sunday 5 September 2021



standing in  crowds
I like to read people
with lips hiding tears 
eyes carrying smiles

People here carry stories
every scar on them holds a memory
and I want to know them all
I wanna see them all 

call me eccentric
but the eccentricities carry tales
some hurt
some  laugh
but we live it all

people hold 
eccentricities in corners of their hearts  
with hopes wishes and memories old
they cannot tear apart


I like to see people as walking stories. Every person carries memories and adventures. irrespective of age we all carry tales, some we decide to share some we decide to shove past us. Some tales our lived to laugh with our friends and some tales our lived to embarrass you.  Start viewing people as fables and you will fall in love with all of them.

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Sunday 29 August 2021



I don't mean to scare you
but I carry winter in my bones
and when the winter burns
the glaciers in me groan
when the ice thickens
it forms layers on my heart
for which I spend days to shove
carefully removing  every coat
there is beauty in the ice of me
the frost on my lashes shine in the breeze
and on the frozen lake of my love
you skate smoothly 
feeling every move gracefully
but when push comes to shove
you choose to leave
and the blizzard hits
the storm strikes
the rime of me fights to keep  alive


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Sunday 22 August 2021


                                     2 AM

it's 2AM I am standing at my window 
gaping at the moon 
sometimes  mesmerized by its beauty
somedays its bright  exasperates me 

Its 2AM music playing in my room
I am all alone 
the beats dance in my veins
the lyrics find cushions in my head

Its 2AM a book in my hand
I am living another life
the emotions they feel
the days they live

Its 2AM a soft breeze whispers the enigma  
I goggle at the road
a single car passing by with eerie ease
the silence is heavenly

Its 2AM a single light lights in stillness
stillness in breath 
a past in yesterday 
a future today

Its 2AM my eyes drenched in sleep
I draw the curtains
stop the music
close the book 
switch off the light
and drift off to sleep 


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                                    ART what does an artist do of pain she dwells in his pain she lives her pain of love she lets the pain e...